Know your place. Keep your place. Be a shoe. “Snowpiercer” (2013)

directed by Bong Joon-ho
© 2013 The Weinstein Company. All Rights Reserved.

Today I’d like to recommend you my so far favourite film by Bong Joon-ho. I know that there are mixed feelings about this one, because those who liked his typical Korean way of making films were disappointed because this film is quite westernised, and those who were used to American sci-fi productions found it a bit too dramatic and strange. You can’t satisfy people, can you? I remember that I saw this film many years ago in the cinema. Back then I didn’t know much about Bong Joon-ho, so I didn’t have any expectations and I just wanted to see a sci-fi film on a big screen. And I must say that I was very much pleased. The story is based on the novel “Le Transperceneige” by Jacques Lob and it’s about… well, what can happen if we keep being equally ignorant as humanity as we are now. We get the world after the climate catastrophe, where only a small number of people have survived. The main character, Curtis Everett (Chris Evans), is travelling around the globe on the train called Snowpiercer. It’s become his new home, since the rest of the planet is absolutely frozen, so the passengers have been living on that train for several years. And even there the people have been segregated into classes. Curtis is living in the car for the poor, which is extremely frustrating, because he knows that the elite in other cars has it much better than them. One day, he decides to start a revolution and get to the front cars, where a better reality may await them. I guess I’ve already mentioned that in some post, but I’ll repeat – I really like films that happen in one place only. Like one room, one building, a plane, or like in this case – on the train. And maybe it was because of the fact that I saw it on the big screen, but I felt excited about the whole social revolution in the Snowpiercer and everything looked very well-done. Bong Joon-ho has a very good eye for films, he got a wonderful cast and a story that hits audience in the face with its messages (climate change, global warming, class wars etc.) – for me it’s a perfect example of a decent sci-fi film. More, please!

My rating: 7/10

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