Play or be played. “eXistenZ” (1999)

directed by David Cronenberg
© 1999 Miramax Films. All Rights Reserved.

Have you spotted the director yet? If you know who Cronenberg is, you smiled or rolled your eyes, no matter if you know today’s film or not. David Cronenberg is a specific individual. You can either love his films or hate them. I’m rather the second type because each time I watch his productions I think “Omg… No… Ugh… Really? Why? What for? Nooo… This is disgusting…” etc. Some people are amazed by his “disgusting” style but for me it’s hard to find something meaningful in his films. Imagine my face when I played another film of his (after seeing several already) and… I liked it. You may find so many descriptions of this film and, yes, they can be sort of true, but if you watch the whole story, you will understand why I don’t want to share what the film is actually about. The only thing I can tell you is that the main topic is a virtual reality game. Obviously, there are some disgusting elements, like connecting game pods to bio-ports in people’s bodies. The whole procedure and those objects look… ugh (quoting myself!). But the plot is so entertaining and exciting that I kept thinking “oh it’s going to be a 7, totally 7!”. And then, boom, the ending happened and a star up! No, those 8 stars are not here because of Jude Law (who was 26 back then and absolutely adorable). The film is actually a great amusement and a little plate of food for thought. And it’s probably the only film by Cronenberg that got more than 5/10 from me. But that’s a good lesson – never give up on directors, they may surprise you one day.

My rating: 8/10

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