I’ve learnt to focus only on what matters. “My Beautiful Broken Brain” (2014)

directed by Sophie Robinson & Lotje Sodderland
© 2014 Netflix. All Rights Reserved.

Have you ever realised how lucky you are to be able to communicate? That you can answer the phone, read your friend a part of an article at loud, write a diary or simply talk to other people without stopping every 3 seconds to find the right words. Perhaps some of you do need to search for words, but I’m sure your brain isn’t as extraordinary as Lotje’s. Lotje is an English woman who suffered a hemorrhagic stroke. Luckily, she has survived, but the accident didn’t leave her without any scars. She completely lost the ability to read and write and, when it comes to speaking, she could hardly communicate basic information. Basically, her beautiful brain was broken. Lotje had to start everything from the beginning. In the film we can follow her and her struggles with things we don’t even think about. Distinguishing G from J? Saying the word “record”? Reading an article in a magazine? Could those be actual problems? Apparently they could, at least for Lotje. I was moved a lot by this film and I was watching it like a little girl who sees her dad dressing up as Santa Claus. It was something exciting, but also extraordinary. And despite what happened to Lotje, I didn’t feel sorry for her. Not because I think she doesn’t deserve any sympathy, but because she doesn’t seem to need any. This is a very strong individual who can fight for herself. After the accident, she wasn’t complaining about her new problems. She was the most cheerful person in that hospital for being alive. So I got a very strong motivational kick from her after this documentary. Plus, it was fascinating to observe her behaviour and development. Our brain can be a huge blessing, but also the worst nightmare. Perhaps I got slightly scared that it may happen to anyone, which I don’t wish. However, if it does happen, I really hope people will find the power in them and stay as positive as Lotje. A beautiful woman with a beautiful (although broken) brain.

My rating: 7/10

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