I thought U2 was a type of submarine. “Four Weddings and a Funeral” (1994)

directed by Mike Newell
© 1994 Rank Film Distributors. All Rights Reserved.

People love this film. Because it’s so funny. It’s romantic. We have a lot of silly situations. We have cute Hugh Grant and beautiful Andie MacDowell. Okay, it is one of most iconic films of the 90s, but is it really that good? We have Charles (Hugh Grant) who needs to attend several weddings. Luckily he’s with his friends and those events are rather pleasant for him. They become even more pleasant when he spots a gorgeous American, Carrie (Andie MacDowell). Those two have a lot of fun, a bit too much alcohol and they spend a night together. The next day, Carrie starts telling Charles that after the previous night those two need to get married. As you may guess, nothing happens and the woman leaves to the US. Life goes on and there are more and more weddings to attend. After about 3 months, Charles attends another wedding during which… 3 dots, something happens, I’m not telling you what. But I’m guessing most of you know, because it’s a very popular film. So for those who know it, it’s a nice reminder to maybe re-watch it again? And those who don’t, I guess it’s worth knowing, since it’s, as I said, quite iconic. However, even though I’m recommending it, I don’t think it’s a masterpiece. Indeed, it’s funny, relaxing, goofy, you can have a lot of pleasure watching Hugh Grant (not surprised he was awarded for this role, great job), but… this film is shallow for me. The script is everything and nothing. So many characters, so many motives, a lot of talking… too much of everything. It’s literally about four wedding and a funeral. And also Carrie… All the holy spirits give me patience… What’s a horrible woman! I absolutely hated this character. As long as I deeply adore MacDowell, her character was the most annoying creature on this planet. Some may say she is romantic and teasing, but I say she is a spoilt attention-loving woman who doesn’t deserve to be with Hugh Grant. But I still love MacDowell. So watch it at least to see young Grant making a fool of himself.

My rating: 6/10

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