Women to the left, men to the right. “Polytechnique” (2009)

directed by Denis Villeneuve
© 2009 Alliance Films. All Rights Reserved.

This film isn’t a documentary, but it is based on a real story. Or actually a tragedy that happened in 1989, also known as “Montreal Massacre”. One day that year a young man decided to enter the Polytechnique Montréal and kill plenty of women. He wasn’t just an ordinary murderer who wanted to kill whoever he saw. His target were women, because he was absolutely against feminism and that’s the reason why most of the victims were women. I’m sorry to tell you this spoiler, but wherever you see a description of this film, you will read exactly the same information. Besides, it’s not about surprising you with the story. The story is well-known and nobody would surprise you with the fact that the guy shoots plenty of students. However, the point of this films is to sort of experience that day together with the killer and the students. We basically follow them three, so the murderer (Maxim Gaudette), and two students, Jean-François (Sébastien Huberdeau) and Valérie (Karine Vanasse). The whole film is black and white because the director wanted the blood not to be too visible on the screen. Besides, Villeneuve didn’t want to shoot the film in the same building where the massacre took place in order to respect the victims and their families, so the school that you may seem in “Polytechnique” isn’t the same one. However, I believe it doesn’t really matter. What matters the most is the constant tension and that feeling of helplessness. Even though we know what’s about to happen, we cannot do anything. Just like people who were actually there. And it makes us feel even more uncomfortable watching this production. It’s a true experience, not only a film to stare at. Worth seeing and worth knowing.

My rating: 6/10

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